2019Morris Marina Coupé (ADO28)
Morris Marina Coupé (ADO28)
Automotive Art | Photoshop Chop | Featured on the cover of Motorpunk Magazine 04.2019
The Morris Marina was never known for bullet-proof reliability. In fact, it was widely known as one of the worst cars ever produced. Bad image, rust issues and questionable quality caused prices to drop and vehicles to be scrapped as a result. It was never really a car an enthousiast would aspire to own or modify. Quite honestly, I would not want to own one myself – but that doesn’t keep me from tweaking a couple of pixels. This fun project included applying my skills to a couple of new techniques to simulate body damage. Think of it as a “whatever the junkyard had to offer that day” and have fun spotting where all the parts came from. Which engine would you put under the bonnet to make it drift?
Sebastian Motsch | instagram @photoshopchops