2019Tokyo Skytree
Japan 2019
02.05.2019 | Travel Photography | Japan | Tokyo
From Azuma Bridge to Tokyo Skytree
When something is way off the normal scale, the perception of distance often messes with your mind. No matter how close you get, it still feels like you are far away from the 634 m high tower. From Azuma Bridge to the Tokyo Skytree it’s a mere 1.3 km / 15 min walk. If you are like me and stop every now and then to take pictures of things normal people don’t even notice, it takes at least double the time.
Walking along Tobu Isesaki Line
After crossing Azuma Bridge turn left, sneak around the Asahi Beer HQ building and you’ll see the destination in the distance. The marked footpath takes you along the Tobu Isesaki Line overpass and a canal. None of the other people noticed that there was an old Formula One racecar graphic on the roof of a little kiosk sheltering under the bridge and wondered why I took a picture of it. It’s also quite funny to be stared at while taking a picture of a warning sign at a construction zone. I just love the uniquely Japanese way of creating signs with serious messages in the cutest way possible. There is a sculpture at the next crossroad, right on the bridge. No explanatory sign, so it’s up to your imagination if this depicts the old wheelbarrow game or something entirely different.
Toshi Engineering
Across the intersection is a workshop specializing in scooter repairs called Toshi Engineering. Once again I was amazed that it is possible in Japan to leave project vehicles and parts outside, without worrying about it getting stolen. Nice extra treat for people looking for details in pictures: the German license plate on the door.
A bit further on, I found a rare(-ish) Mitsuoka Viewt parked next to a miniature garden plant collection that was well taken care of. Being as thirsty as the aforementioned plants, I bought a drink from a vending machine on the next corner and headed to the tower.
Tokyo Sky Tree
It was a national holiday with beautiful weather and therefore Tokyo Skytree was very crowded. I binned my idea to buy a ticket for the elevator immediately after seeing the long queue and sat down for half an hour, watching the hustle and bustle around me on one of the platforms.
Stepping down the stairs on the other side, there was a group of food trucks and a large inflatable mascot on Solamachi Square. Seeing the bright pink Hello Kitty ice-cream truck wasn’t a surprise, but the fur-covered Cinnamoroll van totally caught me off guard and made me laugh out loud. I mean, how cute is that? Dressing a van like a furry mascot with giant ears – only in Japan. 🙂
Smiling from ear to ear, I headed to Oshiage Station to meet my friend Seiichiro.
Sebastian Motsch | instagram @drivebysnapshots