Bugatti Type 51 Grand Prix Hot Rod Photoshop by Sebastian Motsch

Bugatti Type 51 Hot Rod

Flag FranceBugatti Type 51 Hot Rod

Automotive Art   |   Photoshop Chops

A friend of mine always says that “you can hotrod everything”. He definitely has a point there, even though many people might scream SACRILEGE in this case. Yes, you could do this to a vintage Bugatti Type 51 racecar – but it wouldn’t really make sense in reality. But hey, a picture is made up from pixels. Some of those pixels have just been altered and tweaked a little.

Bugatti Type 51 Grand Prix Hot Rod Photoshop by Sebastian Motsch

Disclaimer: No actual car has been harmed during the creation of this picture.

Sebastian Motsch   |   instagram @photoshopchops